Today we’ll be taking a look at how to create a conversational AI app that automates order confirmation. While this app will be targeted towards confirming a food delivery order, yet the logic of this app can apply to create virtually any order confirmation app. Let’s get started!
Prep steps to create conversational AI apps with Dasha
Get to know the files you’ll use to create human-like conversational AI apps
Create your order confirmation conversational AI app!
Embedded content: Import the commonReactions library so that you don't have to worry about coding the pre-programmed replies import "commonReactions/all.dsl";
context { // Declare the input variable - phone. It's your hotel room phone number and it will be used at the start of the conversation. input phone: string; // Storage variables. You'll be referring to them across the code. appetizers: string=""; drinks: string=""; new_burger: string=""; street: string=""; house_num: string=""; }
// A start node that always has to be written out. Here we declare actions to be performed in the node. start node root { do { #connectSafe($phone); // Establishing a safe connection to the user's phone. #waitForSpeech(1000); // Waiting for 1 second to say the welcome message or to let the user say something #sayText("Hi, this is Dasha, I'm calling to verify some informaton regarding your order with ABC Burgers."); // Welcome message wait *; // Wating for the user to reply } transitions // Here you give directions to which nodes the conversation will go { next: goto order_confirmation_start on true; } }
node order_confirmation_start { do { #sayText("Yeah, hi, so I see that you've ordered a cheeseburger to be delivered to 78 Washington Road. Do you want to change anything about your order?"); wait*; } transitions { payment_method: goto payment_method on #messageHasIntent("no"); edit_new_order: goto edit_new_order on #messageHasIntent("yes"); } }
digression change_order_burger { conditions {on #messageHasData("burger_kind");} do { set $new_burger = #messageGetData("burger_kind")[0]?.value??""; #sayText("Perfect. I've added " + $new_burger + " to your order. Would you like anything else?"); wait *; } transitions { edit_new_order: goto edit_new_order on #messageHasIntent("yes") or #messageHasIntent("order_sth_else"); } } node change_order_burger { do { set $new_burger = #messageGetData("burger_kind")[0]?.value??""; #sayText("Perfect. I've added " + $new_burger + " to your order. Would you like anything else?"); wait *; } transitions { edit_new_order: goto edit_new_order on #messageHasIntent("yes") or #messageHasIntent("order_sth_else"); } }
digression edit_new_order { conditions {on #messageHasIntent("order_sth_else");} do { #sayText("What can I get for you?"); wait *; } } node edit_new_order { do { #sayText("What can I get for you?"); wait *; } transitions { } }
node nvm { do { #sayText("Is there anything else I can help you with?"); wait *; } transitions { payment_method: goto payment_method on #messageHasIntent("no"); edit_new_order: goto edit_new_order on #messageHasIntent("yes"); } } digression nvm { conditions {on #messageHasIntent("nvm");} do { #sayText("Okay! How may I help you?"); wait *; } }
digression burgers_available { conditions {on #messageHasIntent("burgers_available");} do { #sayText("We've got cheeseburger, hawaiian burger, buffalo chicken burger, creamy mushroom burger, beef burger and barbeque burger. Which one would you like?"); wait*; } transitions { change_order_burger: goto change_order_burger on #messageHasData("burger_kind"); } }
digression different_address { conditions {on #messageHasIntent("different_address");} do { #sayText("Sounds good, could you tell me the building number and the street name, please?"); wait *; } } digression change_street { conditions {on #messageHasIntent("change_street");} do { set $street = #messageGetData("street")[0]?.value??""; #sayText("Okay, I changed the street to " + $street + " . Is there anything else you'd like to change?"); wait *; } transitions { edit_new_order: goto edit_new_order on #messageHasIntent("yes") or #messageHasIntent("order_sth_else"); review_full_order: goto review_full_order on #messageHasIntent("no"); } } digression change_house_num { conditions {on #messageHasIntent("change_house_num");} do { set $house_num = #messageGetData("house_num")[0]?.value??""; #sayText("Gotcha, I changed the building number to " + $house_num + " . Is there anything else you'd like to change?"); wait *; } transitions { edit_new_order: goto edit_new_order on #messageHasIntent("yes") or #messageHasIntent("order_sth_else"); review_full_order: goto review_full_order on #messageHasIntent("no"); } } digression change_address { conditions {on #messageHasData("house_num") and #messageHasData("street");} do { set $street = #messageGetData("street")[0]?.value??""; set $house_num = #messageGetData("house_num")[0]?.value??""; #sayText("Okay, changed the delivery address to " + $house_num + " " + $street + ". Is there anything else you'd like to change?"); wait *; } transitions { edit_new_order: goto edit_new_order on #messageHasIntent("yes") or #messageHasIntent("order_sth_else"); review_full_order: goto review_full_order on #messageHasIntent("no"); } }
digression appetizers { conditions {on #messageHasIntent("appetizers");} do { #sayText("We've got fried calamari, french fries, spring salad, and a soup of the day. What of these would you like to order?"); wait *; } transitions { confirm_appetizers: goto confirm_appetizers on #messageHasData("appetizers"); } onexit { confirm_appetizers: do { set $appetizers = #messageGetData("appetizers", { value: true }); } } } node confirm_appetizers { do { var sentence = "Perfect. I've added "; set $appetizers = #messageGetData("appetizers"); for (var item in $appetizers) { set sentence = sentence + (item.value ?? " and "); } set sentence = sentence + " to your order. Is there anything else you'd like?"; #sayText(sentence); wait *; } transitions { edit_new_order: goto edit_new_order on #messageHasIntent("yes") or #messageHasIntent("drinks"); confirm_drinks: goto confirm_drinks on #messageHasData("drinks"); review_full_order: goto review_full_order on #messageHasIntent("no"); } }
digression drinks { conditions {on #messageHasIntent("drinks");} do { #sayText("We have orange juice, Sprite, and vanilla milkshakes. What would you like to get?"); wait *; } transitions { confirm_drinks: goto confirm_drinks on #messageHasData("drinks"); } onexit { confirm_drinks: do { set $drinks = #messageGetData("drinks", { value: true }); } } } node confirm_drinks { do { var sentence = "Noted, I added "; set $drinks = #messageGetData("drinks"); for (var item in $drinks) { set sentence = sentence + (item.value ?? " and "); // In case the guest desides to order multiple items of food } set sentence = sentence + " to your order. Anything else you'd like to order?"; #sayText(sentence); wait *; } transitions { edit_new_order: goto edit_new_order on #messageHasIntent("yes") or #messageHasIntent("appetizers"); confirm_appetizers: goto confirm_appetizers on #messageHasData("appetizers"); review_full_order: goto review_full_order on #messageHasIntent("no"); } }
node review_full_order { do { var sentence = "To review your order, you want to get "; for (var item in $new_burger) { set sentence = sentence + (item.value ?? "") + (", "); } for (var item in $appetizers) { set sentence = sentence + (item.value ?? "") + (", and "); } for (var item in $drinks) { set sentence = sentence + (item.value ?? ""); } set sentence = sentence + ". Would you like anything else?"; #sayText(sentence); wait *; } transitions { payment_method: goto payment_method on #messageHasIntent("no"); edit_new_order: goto edit_new_order on #messageHasIntent("yes"); } }
node payment_method { do { #sayText("Gotcha. Now, would you be paying with cash or by card?"); wait *; } transitions { with_cash: goto with_cash on #messageHasIntent("cash"); by_card: goto by_card on #messageHasIntent("card"); } } node with_cash { do { #sayText("Sounds good, with cash it is. Your order will be ready in 15 minutes. Thank you for your order! Bye bye!"); exit; } } node by_card { do { #sayText("Sounds good, by card it is. Your order will be ready in 15 minutes. Thank you for your order! Bye bye!"); exit; } }
digression cancel_order { conditions {on #messageHasIntent("cancel_order");} do { #sayText("Okay, just cancelled your order. Is there anything else I can help you with?"); wait *; } transitions { edit_new_order: goto edit_new_order on #messageHasIntent("yes"); bye: goto bye on #messageHasIntent("no"); } }
digression bye { conditions { on #messageHasIntent("bye"); } do { #sayText("Thanks for your time. Have a great day. Bye!"); #disconnect(); exit; } } node bye { do { #sayText("Thanks for your time. Have a great day. Bye!"); #disconnect(); exit; } }