In this New Year Release 🥳 we're introducing features that improve developer experience.
Add inbound telephony: now you can accept incoming calls using any VoIP provider.
External TTS support: you can now use your own or 3rd-party speech synthesis (but you'll love Dasha TTS!).
No account onboarding: start using Dasha without even signing-up
Dasha Script
Multiple conditions in digressions: you can now define multiple entry conditions on digressions that have, for instance, different tags and/or priorities
Logging support for any object type: it will be serialized and displayed in readable form in your application log
Conversation end event tag: you can now customize your application behavior when the other party disconnects (e.g. hangs up on you)
Dasha Studio
Import (multifile) support for navigation and refactorings: e.g. you can now go to definition that is in another file
Rename refactoring support: you can now use VS Code (or any language client) support for rename refactorings and never miss a node reference that needs changing again
Optimize language server download time (CDN)
Dasha SDK for Node.JS
Added scheduler: now you can set complex rules for reaching out to your users
Basic start diagnostics
Dasha CLI
New Dasha account creation: now you can create new Dasha account right from terminal
Logging in via CLI, without API key
SIP configuration: configure Dasha to work with your existing VoIP provider with one command
Grab Dasha CLI here
Full text search for
New format for tutorials
Stay tuned for more in January 2021! Happy holidays! 🥳